There is a wide variety of mixed towel warmers available on the market and in this article we will explain the do’s and don’ts on how to use a towel warmer.
Some have been designed with the single function of, in fact, towel warmers, some instead with the purpose of entire heating rooms and adding a touch of luxury and warmth to your environment.
Traditional towel warmers are ideal for winter use, during which the heating system is already on. An electric radiator or heated towel rail will allow you to control the temperature regardless of the central heating system, regardless of whether it is on or not.
What is a towel warmer?
It is like an ordinary bar where you hang your towels, with the difference being heated, keeping your sheets soft and warm for your highest enjoyment.
It sounds like an extravagance, but the truth is that some models are quite profitable, and best of all, the benefits are many. More than anything, you will feel like you have a home spa where towels are always comfortable and warm.
But not only that, towel warmers reduce mold on towels because they dry faster, keeping them fresher and maintaining their fabulous quality for much longer. Besides, they will serve as an extra space heater in your bathroom, making it much more welcoming and reducing the annoying fungus caused by humidity that usually grows in this room.
Besides, they are suitable for your towels; here, you can also delicately dry your clothing or bathing suits more discreetly. You could also use it to dry coats, scarves, or any other garment wet from rain or snow and, once again, reduce the moisture damage that would occur if you put them in another usual place, so don’t hesitate and make your bath a dream with a towel warmer.
How do towel warmers work?
There are two basic types: electric and hydraulic. Both are highly efficient, heat the bar from the inside to the outside, and are low power consumption.
Many also come equipped with timers to automatically turn off at a specific time and with a thermostat to adjust the heat you want to give them. They are used for all kinds of material; you can hang your beach towels or even your bathrobes and sarongs there.
The electrics are independent equipment that operates apart from your heating system. These contain low volt conductive elements within the unit that give it that unique warmth; some have wires, others water, or oil. Hydraulics instead is connected with hot water pipes or with a radiator. It’s that simple: hot water runs through the pipe giving it uniform and consistent heat.
Some people have even taken advantage of small structures where exposed pipes are used as a towel.
How to use towel warmer in general
Using the towel warmer is very easy
1. Open the lid and put inside what you’d like to heat up; in this case, we use a towel.
2. Be sure that it is dry. Turn the power button on within the heart of the panel to begin.
3. The green warning light will activate in addition to the red hot sun. The inner side of the towel warmer will now warmth up and warm your towel.
4. After 10 minutes, the green warming light will flip off. Then you’ll be able to open the lid. Pull your towel. Be sure you keep away from touching the inside of the machine, which can still be warm to avoid any accident.
5. If you’d like some extra heat, go forward and leave your towel within the warmer for a further 10 minutes but not too much.
6. The red hot light on the surface will flip off as soon as the towel warmer has cooled down.
7. After that, you may put your towel warmer away or flip it again and heat something else. You may place a variety of things within the towel warmer.
How to use a mixed towel warmer
To use mixed radiators or towel warmers, the so-called “t” pieces are used. They are straightforward but will allow you to make the most of your blended towel warmer, without even having to look at the boiler or thermostat.
When using the mixed towel warmer’s electric function, the thermostatic valve must be turned off so that the water inside the heater does not return to the system.
How to use a mixed towel warmer:
Before replacing the towel or radiator, you will need to isolate the bathroom radiator from the rest of the central heating system.
- To do this, turn off the heating and close the flow and return valves. It is always best to do this when the system is cold.
- Once the valves are closed, you will have to unscrew the return valve gently. This step is to prevent pressure from building up inside the towel warmer once the heating element starts heating the water.
- Be careful not to open the valve too much, since the radiator will start to spray boiling water when it reaches a specific temperature.
- Now that you have isolated the radiator or heated towel rail, you can turn on the heating element.
- After the summer, or if you want to return to the central heating system, follow these instructions in reverse: turn the element off, screw the return valve back, and turn the flow and replace pipes.
Recommendations for electric towel warmers
Like any electrical appliance, it is of fundamental importance to keep in mind the safety factor.
To this end, we must remember to:
- Install the radiator in areas not too close to those where water is used (shower, bathtub, sinks, bidet, etc. )
- Make sure that the towel warmer bears the wording IPx4 or IPx5: these are codes that ensure adequate protection against splashes of water;
- Determine the distance of the socket, which must be about 60 cm;
- Make sure that the appliance is continuously aired using the individual slots, which must not be covered in any way.
The installation of a hot towel warmer will significantly simplify your daily life in cleaning, cost, functionality, etc.
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