Why small Canadian businesses need managed IT services

IT services

It’s not worth hiring a team of tech engineers if you run a small business. You’ll spend a huge amount of money on wages, especially in Canada. Look into managed IT services if you want to guarantee everything runs smoothly 24/7.

You’ll find lots of great companies in your closest city, and they’ll be able to get started straight away. Let’s look at some of the main reasons you should use a managed IT solution, so you can get back to focusing on selling products.

1. Remote Desktop Support

If you have an in-house IT team, you’ll have someone at your desk within 5 minutes, so you might be worried about working with a remote company. It’s not something you need to worry about because you’ll get remote desktop support.

It’s one of the server support services all the best companies offer. A tech wizard will be able to access your computer from anywhere. Your employees can talk to them on the phone while the engineers are fixing problems.

2. Non-Stop Server Monitoring

Tech disasters don’t wait until you get into the office before damaging your business. Something could go wrong in the middle of the night while you’re fast asleep, so outsourced server monitoring is essential for most companies.

If you run a successful e-commerce website, you might sell lots of products in Europe. Imagine how many sales you’ll lose if your site disappears for a few hours. The cash you save will cover the costs of the managed IT service.

3. Keeping Track Of Fixed Costs

It’s easier to balance the books when you hire a managed IT services company because you know how much you’ll spend every month. Unfortunately, it’s always the exact opposite if you hire your own team of engineers.

You’ll need to pay overtime if you run into lots of problems. If someone calls in sick, you might need to hire a temp worker from an agency. The amount of money you spend on your own IT department will vary every month.

4. You Don’t Need IT Expertise

It’s unwise to build an IT team if you don’t know anything about computers. Even though you won’t be carrying out the work yourself, you’ll need enough knowledge to hire the right people and purchase the right equipment.

If you don’t know how long IT tasks will take, employees could start taking advantage of you. You don’t need to know anything before hiring a managed IT company, but make sure you speak to references before signing anything.

5. Keeping The Bad Guys Away

It’s unlikely you’ll need to worry about hackers trying to hurt your business, but it’s still worth protecting yourself. You don’t want your systems to crash because an employee downloads a malicious file.

Managed IT providers offer fantastic cyber security solutions. Not only will it stop hackers from getting inside your computers, but it could deter people from trying too. Every business needs rock-solid security these days.

Speak To Someone On The Phone

Managed IT service providers offer even more benefits, which you’ll find out about if you call today. If you run a small Canadian business, it’s worth investigating further.

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