Benefits, Cost and Finding A Private Drug Rehab

Ottawa rehab

Private drugs rehabs have become a new trend in recent years in the Western world. As with any new treatment, there are still many questions surrounding the benefits of private drug rehab, and how much these new treatments cost. It is estimated that 2% of the world’s population suffer from drug addiction, although some statistics suggest the actual figure could be higher than that. So there is no shortage of reasons to consider private drug rehabilitation centres.

With an increasing demand for treatments of substance abuse problems, there is now an increase in the number of private drug rehab centres available for use. They provide the same high quality of treatment as the traditional drug rehabilitation centres, but at what cost? Does the cost-benefit ratio stack up? And how can a patient find the right drug rehab centre? These are some of the questions which this guide aims to answer.

What Exactly Are Private Rehabilitation Centres?

The term ‘rehabilitation’ is pretty self-explanatory. There is the word rehabilitation itself, which is the process of returning a person to health and ability, whether it’s a stroke victim recovering from a head injury, a soldier recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder or a drug addict returning to society. Rehabilitation takes place in a recovery programme that is tailored to the individual needs of the patient, meaning it’s completely bespoke.

The main difference between traditional rehab and a private rehab centre is that the former is a public facility and requires the cooperation of the patient’s employer and their insurance provider. The latter is an independent operation that offers to treat individuals who have been identified as having an addiction to drugs or alcohol, and who have decided that a more structured, one-on-one treatment programme will benefit their recovery.

Due to their private status, these facilities aren’t tied to the insurance companies of the patients they treat. Funding comes from a range of sources, including addiction treatment costs paid by patients, donations, drug rehab fund-raisers and awareness campaigns. Unlike public drug rehabs, private clinics charge more for their services; this comes with some advantages discussed in this guide. They also keep a low staff-to-patient ratio.

Types of Drug Rehabilitation Centre

It is typical to encounter the prevalent perception of rehab centres as sterile, clinical institutions devoid of individuality or character. Some rehab centres fall under this category, but many are far removed from this stereotype. The best rehabilitation centres have an environment that encourages personal development, growth and exploration.

Likewise, not all rehabs are residential treatment facilities. Different types of private drug rehabs can be roughly categorised as either residential or live-in treatment facilities, outpatient treatment facilities or an alternative form of rehab, such as day rehabilitation. The different types are outlined below.

Residential Rehabilitation

This is the most common type of private drug rehab available. Residential rehabs are where the patient lives full time in the facility. Living in a rehab centre allows the patient and the staff to develop a relationship that forms a solid foundation for the recovery process.

Short-stay residential treatment programmes are available at several private rehabs, allowing patients to stay for a shorter time. The length of their stay is decided by the sort of treatment they are receiving and the amount of progress achieved during the procedure.

The most comprehensive type of rehab is the 12-Step programme, where patients and their families receive group counselling, educational activities and daily recovery meetings. The 12-Step programme is based on a faith-based ethos and helps to develop an understanding of how the addiction impacted a person’s life, and how it can be used as a means of improving their present and future.

Outpatient Treatment Facility

Outpatient treatment facilities are private rehabs where the patient leaves at the end of the day. However, they still attend the rehab centre each day. This treatment method works best for those who struggle to attend traditional rehabs because they have trouble with the schedule of a regular inpatient facility. They also work better for those who need to work, and for those who struggle to travel to a public rehab.

Counselling is the most often used strategy in outpatient treatment, followed by case management and pharmacotherapy. Individual or group counselling sessions are held once a week for one hour. It might last anywhere from six to 12 weeks.

Day Rehabilitation

Day rehabilitation takes place in the morning, or at the end of the day. Although not as intensive as other types, it helps patients to develop the skills to be independent, even when living in the real world. Patients go about their daily routine and once through, visit the facility for treatment. They can live normal lives, while on the path to recovery.

Benefits of Private Rehab

Private drug rehabilitation centres offer the same benefits as public ones, with some advantages. They also have their advantages, such as:

  • Personalized and bespoke treatment
  • Higher staff-to-patient ratio
  • Flexible scheduling
  • More control over treatment
  • More one-on-one therapy
  • Higher retention rates

With the increasing number of private rehabs available in the Western world, it is no surprise that their numbers continue to grow. The number of patients choosing to go private may well be because the traditional drug rehabs are so often overcrowded, and are also unable to accommodate patients who need to keep working or have to support their families.

Cost of Private Drug Rehab

A wide variety of cost factors are worth considering when it comes to private rehab therapy. Although it is slightly higher in price than its counterpart, patients have the flexibility to cater to the cost. Financing options could include payment plans, self-payment, financial aid, and private health insurance, to list a few.

How to Find the Right Private Drug Rehab

Finding an ideal private rehab centre may sound daunting, but it is not as bad as anyone might think.

  • The first step is to visit a number of private drug rehabs and find one that best meets one’s personal needs and budget.
  • The next step is to get in touch with a rehab centre to find out which of their services and treatment programmes is the most suitable for specific treatment goals and whether help is required with the financial side of recovery.
  • It is helpful to be guided by the services that the rehabs an addict’s local vicinity provides. In this way, decision making is based on one’s knowledge or the personal experiences of those in the neighbourhood.
  • Referrals come in handy; this could be from friends or family who have been treated by a particular rehab. The internet has tons of resources to narrow down one’s search.

The Bottom Line

Finding a good private drug rehab centre is not as difficult as it may sound. Private rehabs have similar services, treatments and methods as their public counterparts. The only difference is that they are not as busy, and may not be as well-stocked with treatments. Therefore, they may not offer as many treatment options.

With this in mind, a private rehab centre is a good option for those with a flexible schedule, and for those who are able to pay for expensive treatments privately. The cost-benefit ratio is often better, and there are often fewer people to accommodate. These may be the reasons for a patient to choose a private rehab over a traditional rehab.

lead photo Britannia Beach, Ottawa, by Stefan Spassov on Unsplash

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