Take Heed: Does gun regulation end violence?


Guns, at its nature, is a weapon used for protection; at its core, guns are devices curated to eliminate the threat and protect the owner. But over the decades since the very first working prototype, guns have been misused for massacres, crime and murder.

Ever since the first national gun control was passed in 1934, gun control is still a law unknown to many and hard to understand.

In this article, we will explain gun banning and its fundamental understanding as to why there is ban on guns, and how we know if this is beneficial to Montreal. Is it better to regulate guns and impose more restrictions? Or is it better to ban them ultimately?

Terminology and Context

Gun control refers to the regulation of gun production, distribution, trade, use and possession. Specifically in regards to different classes of weapons referred to as Small Arms (Pistols, Rifles and Machine guns)

It was estimated that there are 875 million owned guns from civilians, law enforcement and armed forces, about 75 percent of it is coming from civilians. In Canada, an estimate of 34.7 guns were owned per 100 civilians.

With few exceptions, countries in the world generally allow civilians to purchase guns under certain mandated restrictions. A significant distinction between different nations is how they perceive gun ownership. Countries like the US often saw gun ownership as a right of civilians. In other countries civilian ownership is seen as a privilege. That’s why legislation and government laws are much more restrictive.

Examples include Japan, which requires gun owners to pass mandatory exams and has strict regulations in keeping firearms in private homes. Bear in mind that this is not gun banning, as gun banning ultimately prohibits ownership of guns. Gun regulation makes firearms more expensive and harder to keep.

Canada’s Legislation

As far as Canadian laws go, handguns and some rifles are restricted.  The following control law Bill C-17, which added more restrictions in Gun purchase, made an impact in lowering down firearm-related suicides in the country.

But as the years go by, several studies show that Gun restriction may not bear significant results. A 2012 study at gun control compares previous laws in Canada from 1974 to 2008 and obtained no factual evidence that these laws had a positive effect on firearm-related violence.

They also added that other factors that affect gun violence include but are not limited to unemployment, depression and low-income jobs. This is in conjunction with a 2013 study on Firearms Act, a 1995 Gun control law. The research suggests little evidence that said law reduces the rate of gun incidents against women. Meaning to say, recent gun control regulations in Canada give little to no help with the rising homicide and gun-related events in the country.

On Gun Banning and over the top restrictions.

As of this year, Montreal has imposed a permanent ban on privately owned firearms. Prohibiting their importation and limiting it to only Armed enforcement. Due to this ban, gun violence across Montreal has declined in a significant manner. 

Recent politicians were starting to encourage other provinces to adapt to the Montreal motion to ban firearms to civilians, as other significant incidents in the past few decades were firearm-related violence. Not to mention numerous gun massacres that have haunted Canada, especially the 1989 event of Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Quebec.

Where a single gunman killed 14 Female students due to his hate against women, we also injured 13 individuals before committing suicide and even a Massacre in April 1996 in British Columbia, where a single man killed nine people during a wedding ceremony before killing himself.

The next example may not include laws in gun banning, but you’ll surely feel like not buying a Pistol anymore when you’re under the gun control laws in Australia. According to a particular Australian Firearms blog, aside from its sensitive gun control laws that even caught drunk driving may revoke your license. Gunowners of any type are required by law to cater and provide access to the Police for Firearm inspection.

You will also be needing to purchase a safe, a big safe because Australia requires safe deposits of firearms. If not followed, then one’s license can be revoked without question and will not be allowed access to weapons.


For those people living outside Montreal, or anywhere else in the world, can do something about gun violence in your very own way. We can teach and educate our younger generation about the reality of firearms and its consequences. Some countries and states in the US, where firearm-related violence is the highest, are starting to implement fun safety seminars and educational talks.

Aside from that, if you have a weapon with you but felt like you will never use it, look for certain websites that offer trade or buy and sell second-hand weapons. Depending on what kind of fun you’re selling, you can get a reasonable amount of money provided that you follow state regulations in Firearm transportation.

We all want to be safe and away from threats. Start treating your Firearms with more responsibility and a clearer insight into your laws under it.


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