Ottawa planning committee seeks to protect historic ByWard Market building

Ottawa committee wants to protect historic Major building

OTTAWA, May 14, 2022 – Ottawa’s Planning Committee today approved an approach to protect a historic York Street building as part of a larger redevelopment in the ByWard Market.

The approach would see the historic S.J. Major Building at 126 York Street integrated with a proposed 22-storey residential building being planned on George Street, immediately to the south. The applicant would conserve and rehabilitate the historic building, converting it into a 214-room hotel.

Built in 1913 as a wholesale grocery warehouse, the building would undergo significant restoration, including cleaning and repairing its front façade, red brick and stone masonry. The original York Street entrance would be reconstructed, with plans to restore the stone entrance steps, stone lions and the sign engraved S.J. Major Ltd. All windows in the historic building would also be replaced, with exact replicas on the front.

The Committee will consider a related zoning amendment for the 22-storey highrise portion at an upcoming meeting.

The Committee also approved a zoning amendment to permit a 10-storey building with 139 rental apartments west of Bell Street, between Arlington Avenue and Louisa Street (link is external). The plan is to retain part of the existing three-storey building on the site and integrate it with the new building, which would have a three-storey brick base. The development would intensify an underused site that is compatible with its surroundings, notably the 13-storey building located directly across Bell Street.

The CIty says recommendations from today’s meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, May 25.

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