Ottawa’s city council approves proposed addition to the Château Laurier


Council today approved the heritage application (link is external) required for the proposed addition to the Château Laurier hotel. Developed in consultation with Heritage Ottawa, the latest design proposes one 10-storey and one 11-storey tower, extending the wings of the existing hotel toward Major’s Hill Park. A two-storey base will join the two towers.

This is the sixth design submission of the design by owner Larco Investments, and it was approved by council on Febraury 24, 2021 by a vote of 14-10.

The new design for the Château Laurier’s addition. (architectsAlliance/City of Ottawa)

The hotel is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, which means the proposed addition cannot compromise the historic building’s heritage value in terms of landmark character and architectural style.

The approved changes from the previous seven-storey design open up views into the centre of the historic building when seen from Major’s Hill Park. The revised design also uses materials drawn from the historic building to minimize its visual impact on the Château and its surroundings, cladding the two towers in Indiana limestone and accenting the roofline with bronze panels and fins.

Developed in consultation with Heritage Ottawa, the latest design proposes one 10-storey and one 11-storey tower, extending the wings of the existing hotel toward Major’s Hill Park. (architectsAlliance/City of Ottawa)

The building design and landscaping will contribute to the public realm, connecting with Major’s Hill Park, improving publicly accessible areas and making better pedestrian connections across the property between the ByWard Market and the Rideau Canal.

The revised design also uses materials drawn from the historic building to minimize its visual impact on the Château and its surroundings, cladding the two towers in Indiana limestone and accenting the roofline with bronze panels and fins. (architectsAlliance/City of Ottawa)


The City received a site plan control application for an addition to the rear of the Château Laurier in December 2016. Planning staff requested comments from the public and interest groups through three formal circulations (winter 2017, winter 2018 and winter 2019).

On January 31, 2018, City Council approved an application to demolish the garage of the Château Laurier as the garage was structurally unsound. The garage has been replaced with a temporary surface parking lot enclosed within the original walls.

City Council approved the application to alter the heritage building on June 27, 2018 and Planning Committee approved the site plan application on June 13, 2019. On July 10 and 11, 2019, City Council reviewed and upheld the heritage permit approval.

The minor variance decision by the Committee of Adjustment was appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal by the owners, Larco Investments, and Heritage Ottawa in October 2019. Since then, the appellants have worked together on design changes to settle the appeal. The latest addition design reflects these discussions.

SOURCE City of Ottawa

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