Remembrance Day Statement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau on Remembrance Day

OTTAWA, ON, Nov. 11, 2023 – The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Remembrance Day:

“On November 11 of every year, we wear our red poppies and observe two minutes of silence to honour the brave members in uniform who risked everything to defend the values that we hold dear. We pay tribute to the women and men Veterans. When Canadians have fought during times of war and conflict, they’ve done so in defence of values like freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Today, we recommit ourselves to promoting these values that guide us in our mission to create a better Canada and world.

“Remembrance Day is an opportunity to recognize members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have courageously answered the call of duty. When it was needed most, they left behind their families and homes. Many returned with severe trauma – or didn’t return at all. Their sacrifice is a debt that we can never repay.

“As we reflect on this debt, we are reminded that this day is not just about the past; it is about our present and our future. From the battlefields of the First and Second World Wars, to Korea and Afghanistan, and in peacekeeping operations, to the training grounds for Ukrainian soldiers, and here at home, responding to a global pandemic and to climate-related disasters, Canadian Armed Forces members continue to show unwavering resolve and bravery.

“Members of our Armed Forces have endured the horrors of war to defend our values. We owe it to them to stay true to our values and to never forget the sacrifices they have made to protect them. While we observe a moment of silence and lay wreaths at memorials across the country, we acknowledge the importance of teaching the lessons of history to the next generations. May they carry the torch of remembrance forward so that we can create a brighter world for all.

“Lest we forget.”

SOURCE Prime Minister’s Office

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