OPH makes getting vaccines easier for prioritized Ottawa populations and occupations
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OPH makes getting vaccines easier for prioritized Ottawa populations and occupations

OTTAWA, ON, January 8, 2022 – Ottawa Public Heath is making it easier for certain prioritized Ottawa residents to get vaccines, including an online pre-registration tool for drop-in appointments and a specialized vaccine clinic. Ottawa’s prioritized populations include residents aged 60 and older, educational and childcare workers, employees, volunteers and caregivers of residents of long-term…

Ottawa pop-up clinics help ensure everyone who wants a vaccine can get one
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Ottawa pop-up clinics help ensure everyone who wants a vaccine can get one

Ottawa pop-up vaccination clinics are just one of the many ways that the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health are using to reach certain neighbourhoods in our city. The pop-up clinics are designed to operate as a one-stop shop for residents in areas that have been identified by Ottawa Public Health as priority neighbourhoods….

Ottawans 55 and older now eligible to book COVID-19 vaccines at community clinics
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Ottawans 55 and older now eligible to book COVID-19 vaccines at community clinics

The City of Ottawa just announced that the age limit for COVID-19 vaccine eligibility has been lowered by the province to anyone born in 1966 or before. See below for details on how to book your vaccine appointment. How to book Age limit lowered to 55 for individuals on the province’s online registration system Lower…

Ottawa area vaccinations begin next week for adults 80 and older in high-risk communities
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Ottawa area vaccinations begin next week for adults 80 and older in high-risk communities

Ontario expects to begin vaccinating remainder of people 80 years and over by the third week of March Today, the City of Ottawa announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will be available next week to Ottawa residents who are 80-years-old and older, or who are adult recipients of chronic home care living in neighbourhoods where rates…