All Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Schools Closed Tuesday, May 24th

Ottawa schools closed Tuesday

OTTAWA, May 24, 2022 – The OCDSB has issued the following statement to say all Ottawa-Carleton District School Board schools will be closed on Tuesday due the impact of Saturday’s severe thunderstorm that has caused numerous power outages and damage within the region.

The OCDSB statement reads:

We hope that you are safe and navigating the impact of the storm. We wanted to provide a timely update for you regarding schools. 

All OCDSB Schools Closed Tomorrow – Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board schools and childcare programs will be closed to all students and staff tomorrow, May 24, 2022. The closure includes Ottawa Carleton Virtual, Adult High School, McHugh and McSkimming Outdoor Education Centre and Castor Valley Elementary School. There will be NO remote learning taking place tomorrow. 

Schools Closed for Safety Reasons

The decision to close all schools was based on the fact that approximately half of our schools are without power at this time and municipal officials are urging residents to stay off city streets as they attempt to stabilize roadways and traffic lights. Across the city, crews continue to assess storm damage and identify safety risks. Many neighborhoods and families continue to deal with the challenges of power outages, downed trees, hydro lines, and road closures and traffic impediments.     

Working Towards Reopening Schools on Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Work is underway to ensure all OCDSB schools can safely reopen on Wednesday, May 25, 2022.  However, given ongoing power outages and traffic safety, we are also preparing for the possibility of virtual learning in some or all schools. Families will receive more information on Tuesday.

Castor Valley Elementary School

Castor Valley Elementary School School will remain closed for at least the remainder of the week due to significant damages to the school’s roof. Students will move to online learning on Wednesday. The school will be communicating with families on Tuesday regarding how to connect remotely, and how to support students facing continued power outages.  

Rescheduling of Board Meeting

The OCDSB Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 24th will be rescheduled to Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

Clearing Debris

The closure of schools will give OCDSB Facilities staff one more day to clear downed trees, broken branches, and debris in our schoolyards. However, given the magnitude of the storm, it may take several weeks to complete the clean-up of fallen leaves and broken branches fully. 

Child Care Facilities

All Child Care Facilities located within OCDSB schools will be closed on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

Ottawa Student Transportation Services

There will be no Ottawa Student Transportation service tomorrow.

Community Use Permits

All Community Use Permits for OCDSB schools and buildings for Tuesday, May 24, 2022 are cancelled.

City Resources

The City of Ottawa has opened several Emergency Reception Centres  where residents can access power, washrooms and other services. These centres are expected to be open for the next few days.

Ottawa Public Health Mental Health Resources

Weather events like this can affect everyone differently. If you feel stressed or overwhelmed, please speak to someone. For mental health services and support, please visit

Ottawa area residents in need can call 2-1-1 for information on government and local community-based health and social services.

OCSB Mental Health 

Crisis support, counselling and referral services for children & youth

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