Job security increasingly important during COVID-19


Job security – 2020 has so far been the most difficult year in living memory, and the situation in Montreal isn’t any different. Although we’ve been free from fires and earthquakes, the COVID 19 virus is affecting our society in the same way as the rest of the world. Job losses, a struggling economy, an increase in the income wealth gap, At the end of April, the UN stated that nearly half of the global workforce was at risk of job loss, a number perhaps not representative of the situation locally. CBC reported that COVID 19 has increased the unemployment rate to 17% in Montreal with the province at the beginning of May. That’s an estimated 821 000 jobs lost in the month of April alone.

The ongoing pandemic is changing perspectives regarding job security. Younger generations, the ones recently graduated and the ones about to graduate within the next few years, are facing a difficult choice when it comes to choosing a job or career.

Neconnected, a British business and leisure site, suggests there aren’t any safe jobs anymore. But there are jobs that are safer. Jobs that are independent of location and human contact, i.e. online work – and there’s a lot of that! – have proven to be resilient to COVID 19. “The online gambling sector remains largely un-scathe” the writer notes.

Affiliation industry resilient to COVID 19

Online gambling entails so much more than just the online casinos, it’s also about job creation. Customer service, sales, finance, marketing, technology and IT, web development, programming, graphic design, and many other jobs are all done online.

Online gambling also entails affiliation, and in the middle of April, Forbes published an article about the effects of COVID 19 on the affiliation industry. It reveals mixed results: “COVID-19 has turned the affiliate marketing industry upside down”, and “e-learning products are growing like crazy” are opposite statements made in the same article. The article didn’t consider the gambling industry, though, but it’s easy to see that this industry is going well. While this raises concern for addiction and other ethical issues, responsible gambling measures are receiving more focus than ever.

The UK Gambling Commission reports an increase in online gambling and that their responsibility during the crisis is to protect consumers during COVID-times. This increase is also visible in Canada. Most Canadian casinos are regulated by UKGC, which is good news because casino affiliates like Mr. Gamble are growing in Canada, perhaps thanks to their big focus on responsible online gambling.

No one knows how long the COVID-virus will plague the world, so youth and graduates might want help to find a job. It’s more important than ever to choose a job carefully, but not all of us are so lucky with job opportunities and have to accept what we get. Should you want more information on how various industries have been affected by COVID-19, we found a good source. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has compiled in-depth information about the COVID-19 effect on 12 different industries.

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