Ottawa balcony collapses at Halloween party – seven injured

Ottawa balcony collapses at Halloween party

OTTAWA, ON, November 1, 2021 – Seven Ottawa Halloween party goers were received a fright when a second-storey balcony on Frank Street between Elgin and Metcalfe collapsed beneath them on Halloween night.

The scary moment, about 1 km south of Parliament Hill, occurred shortly before 10 pm when Ottawa Fire and paramedics received the call. Four of the party-goers, all in their twenties were taken to hospital with injuries, with one man suffering a broken femur.

The three other patients treated at hospital, included one man in his late 20s who suffered upper body and extremity injuries, and a woman in her mid-20s who suffered chest injuries and a woman in her late 20s with back and lower extremity pain.

The other three injured people involved in the collapse opted to forego the trip to emergency.

Ottawa Police will not be investigating the incident as the old balcony collapsed due to volume of people.

photo by Scott Stillborn, Ottawa Fire Services

by OTTtimes staff

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