Sledding and tobogganing are prohibited at Mooney’s Bay hill. Effective Friday January 22, the City of Ottawa is increasing patrols and enforcing the no sledding or tobogganing rules at the Mooney’s Bay hill. The City says the hill has been the scene of “consistent large crowds, numbering in the hundreds, over the past two weeks.” These gatherings are not complying with the Ottawa Medical Officer of Health’s Section 22 Order that limits capacity at the sledding hills at 25 people – including gatherings at the top and bottom of the hills.
To support the no-downhill sledding rule, the Mooney’s Bay parking lot will be limited to only people taking part in authorized activities – such as using the cross-country ski trails or snowshoeing in the park. Signage and barricades will advise motorists about the authorized parking requirement at the parking lot entrance, located at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Ridgewood Avenue.
An interactive map of hills where sledding is permitted is available on For safety reasons, sledding is only permitted at sites where there is safe runout and no dangerous obstacles. With the 25-person limit in effect, be considerate of others and limit your time during busy periods.
Everyone is reminded the 25-person capacity also applies to the start and end points, as well as parking lots for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. And when taking part in these activities, people must maintain a two-metre distance.
Physical activity is essential to people’s overall health. The Province’s stay-at-home order encourages people to stay close to their home – at their nearest trails and neighbourhood rinks – to stay active and have fun outdoors.